Saturday, 26 May 2012

ICT in science

ICT stand for information and communication technologies. In this course I had learnt all about the ICT technology, such as on how to use the interactive white board, data logger, simulation and the modeling.  All of these have their own advantages on helping our student to learnt in easier and interactive way.  Some of the general benefit by using ICT in our teaching and learning process are

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  • Greater efficiency throughout the school
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  • Communication channel are increased through email, discussion groups and chat room
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  • Regular use of ICT across different curriculum subject can have a beneficial motivational influence on student learning

The use of ICT in teaching process also help teacher. By having this teacher easy to prepare their teaching tools. Beside that it also give greater flexibility in when and where task are carry out. Teacher also can share their source with their student in short period of time. Beside that by using computer during lessons will motivated student to continued using learning outside school hours. Student also will get the advantages when use ICT during learning process. By having this it will encourage student to be more independent and active learning and more responsible to their learning. Student who used educational technology in school felt more successful in school, were more motivated to learned and have increase self confident and self esteem.

Therefore  in future when I in school I will encourage my student to use ICT in their learning process. This is because it not only give benefit to them but also for both of us. Their parent also can easily monitor their child performance in school by using the ICT. Teacher and parent can communicate each other in simple way such email and can solve any problem regarding to their child. Parent also can use ICT in home to encourage their child to learn. ICT is very importance nowday. As a science teacher I really appreciate on using ICT in my teaching and learning process. This is because science subject is one of the tough subject, but if we use ICT in teaching process it will be easy. For example in this course I had learned on using the simulation. Therefore by using the simulation student will see the process that happen clearly in some subtopic of science. They will understand more. Beside that they also can manipulate experiment easily by using the modeling. Both, simulation and modeling really help student in learning process. In nut of shell, using ICT in teaching and learning process is very interesting.

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