Friday, 25 May 2012

IWB :-)

What are the advantages of IWB?
In my opinion the use of technology in the classroom is constantly increasing and evolving . The importance of introducing students to current technology is part of their education and to prepare them for the future. IWB is stand for Interactive white board. .  The Smart Board system is made up of a computer with the Smart Board software, a projector and the Smart Board interactive whiteboard itself. These tools are interactive display that connect to computer and projector. By having this we can easily touch it by our hand directly toward the board. IWB are easily to handle. But before we use it we must set up it first. The advantages of using this smart board are:

  • ·         The whiteboard is a touch screen and when learning with a Smart-Board students are engaged and listening instead of taking notes.
  • ·         A Smart-Board can be used to enhance all subject areas especially mathematics  and science.
  • ·         Benefit of the Smart-Board for children with disabilities is the capability of making the keyboard larger on the touch-screen.  This makes it easier for students to see and manage independently.
  • ·          Having objects being moved around on the whiteboard and having colorful visuals keep a child’s attention much longer than a lesson without a Smart-Board.
  • ·          Smart-Boards also have the ability to save previous notes and can be used to refresh a student’s memory on prior lessons.
 Therefore using smartboard during teaching and learning process is very effective method. Firstly ,when I learn about the smartboard during this course session, I felt that using smartboard are only wasting of time. But after I explore the software , I felt that this smartboard are very interesting. Our lecturer also gave some assignment by using this smartboard.  Therefore I think I can apply the teaching process by using this smartboard when I go to school.

In conclusion, Smartboards are interactive and hold the attention of students.  Teachers are able to obtain Smartboard lessons. Students can visual, listen to the teacher and interact with the board and one another is an improvement in the way a teacher presents information.  I also feel that teachers will have less classroom management problems because Smart-Boards keep students stimulated and interested.  When students are comfortable using technology at an early age it becomes easier for them to understand more about  technology. I think all school should be provided white this smartboard.    

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